Student Life
Throughout the school year, our students participate in trips and events that encourage personal growth, build real-world skills, and inspire a love for learning.
Field Trips
Annual School Camp
Timberline Ranch, Maple Ridge
Read More Each year, our entire school participates in a 3 day camp trip in October. It is a great opportunity for students to have fun and bond, particularly the new grade 8s to make new friends. Our Leadership 12 students become camp leaders and help lead activities and the multi-age camp groups throughout the trip.

Biannual International Trip
Japan, New York, Paris, or London
Read More Every two years, our senior students travel abroad to experience cultures around the world.
Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre
Bamfield, British Columbia
Read More Every two years, we take part in a science trip to Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre on Vancouver Island. This fully operating world-class marine research facility is situated in the west coast of Vancouver Island and offers our students a unique hands-on opportunity to learn from professional research scientists in a modern laboratory space.
Other Trips
Our students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of other trips over the school year, including: